
Optiwax Cup and open ski-orienteering competition in Ranua on March 12th 2022

The final event of the new Finnish top ski-orienteering series Optiwax Cup 2022 will occur in Ranua on March 12th. Classes M21 and W21 are competing in Optiwax Cup, and junior athletes of M20 and W20 (why not even 17) are presumed to take part in senior classes if they intend to compete.

Optiwax Cup finals are consisted of a sprint race in the morning and a pursuit race based on the sprint in the afternoon. Both courses will be shortened in comparison to normal winning times to lighten the physical load and allow full recovery before the WSOC, JWSOC and EYSOC, which will commence on March 15th.

After four competitions Mervi Pesu leads the women’s cup with 222 points and in the men’s class current lead is shared by Tuomas Kotro and Tero Linnainmaa, both scoring 228 points. Since the overall cup results are based on six best races for each competitor, it is still possible for many athletes to climb into the fight for top positions.

The Finnish Championships in sprint distance is held in Valkeakoski on February 12nd. Both the qualification and final rounds of M21 and W21 are part of Optiwax Cup.

For minor and masters’ classes there will be an open competition with shortened middle distance courses. The Oravivaara terrain has not seen ski-orienteering events before, last time there has been a ski-o training in 1994. The competition is organized by the clubs Kuusamon Erä-Veikot and Ranuan Peura. Municipality of Ranua is strongly supporting the organization of the event.

Open districtional championships in sprint distance are held in Tornio the next day, less than 2 hours drive from Ranua.

Web-site of the event is at: https://kev.fi/suunnistus/kev-hiihtosuunnistus-ski-o/ . The invitation will be published there on Monday, February 14th.


Kuusamon Erä-Veikot & Ranuan Peura